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Jinake Saman is the university moon in the engineering faculty, known across the whole campus as the hottest moon. There was the saying among the campus “Nothing and no one was hotter than Mr. Jin!” One day when his girlfriend broke up with him, he fell apart in despair. He later discovered that the girl who broke his heart was the cousin of law student Bom. Jin misunderstands that Bom and his cousin were flirting when actually he likes Jin. Bom has liked him since he was a freshman one year ago after Jin exchanged Bom’s lunchbox (because he couldn’t eat anything spicy) with his own food and rice. As feelings grow between them, can Jin understand Bom’s true intentions and come to see Bom as more than just a junior?">


游戏攻略 在杭县一个小渔村里有个孤儿李逍遥。他的父 母号称武林中的神仙侠侣,可惜从小时他就音读全 无。他由婶婶带大,在自家店中当个店小二。来往 的英雄好汉见多了,李小哥也想做个除暴安良的正 义游侠。可叹天不随不愿,一大早就被叫醒来服侍 客人。 伺候完三个苗人后来到大门口,一个醉道士向 李逍遥要酒。于是小李从苗人不要的酒中拿了一壶 给他喝。没想到那道士是个风尘奇人,为了还杯酒 之情,他竟答应在夜半三更传授给小李剑法。 解决 完道士的事后,又帮婶婶去买鲜虾。一路上到处闲 逛,到了菜市却发现没有虾可买。刚出菜市,就得 知婶婶生了病。为了报养育之恩,李逍遥毅然踏上 了去仙灵岛求药的征途。 仙灵岛的迷宫

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